- assignor
- лицо, совершающее передачу (имущества или права); цедент (компания, передающая риск по страхованию)
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам. — М.: Экономическая школа. А.В. Аникин, И.М. Оседчая, Б.Г. Федоров. 1993.
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам. — М.: Экономическая школа. А.В. Аникин, И.М. Оседчая, Б.Г. Федоров. 1993.
assignor — index contributor (giver), donor, feoffor, grantor, licensor, transferor Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton … Law dictionary
Assignor — As sign*or , n. [L. assignator. Cf. {Assigner}.] (Law) An assigner; a person who assigns or transfers an interest; as, the assignor of a debt or other chose in action. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
assignor — assign as‧sign [əˈsaɪn] verb [transitive] 1. to give someone a particular job or task, or send them to work in a particular place or for a particular person: assign something to somebody • His duties have now been assigned to the deputy chairman … Financial and business terms
Assignor — A person, company or entity who transfers rights they hold to another entity. The assignor transfers to the assignee. For example, a party (the assignor) that enters into a contract to sell a piece of property can assign the proceeds, or benefits … Investment dictionary
assignor — assign ► VERB 1) allocate (a task or duty) to someone. 2) give (someone) a job or task. 3) regard (something) as belonging to or being caused by. 4) transfer (legal rights or liabilities). DERIVATIVES assignable adjective assigner (also assignor … English terms dictionary
Assignor estoppel — The doctrine of assignor estoppel is a doctrine of United States patent law barring a patent s seller (assignor) from attacking the patent s validity in subsequent patent infringement litigation. The doctrine is based on the doctrine of legal… … Wikipedia
assignor — noun see assign I … New Collegiate Dictionary
assignor — as·sign·or (ə sī nôrʹ, ə sīʹnər, ăs ə nôrʹ) n. Law One that makes an assignment. * * * … Universalium
assignor — noun The person or party which makes an assignment … Wiktionary
assignor — as·sign·or || ‚æsɪ nÉ”Ë n. person who assigns, person who allots or apportions … English contemporary dictionary
assignor — as·sign·or … English syllables